Positions at Camp
We are looking for counselors who can teach one or more of the following:
- Circus
- Gymnastics
- Flying Trapeze
- Horseback Riding
- Go-Karts
- Skateboarding
- Rollerblading
- Music
- Guitar
- Bass
- Drums
- Music Recording & mixing
- Cinematography
- Video Editing
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Tennis
- Pickleball
- Golf
- Fitness
- Yoga
- Theatre
- Dance
- Tech Theatre
- Waterfront
- Swimming
- Sailing
- Kayaking
- Water-skiing/Wakeboarding
- Boat-driving
- Lifeguarding
- Magic
- Rocketry
- Climbing Wall/Ropes Course
- Role Playing Games
- A Capella Singing
- Fine Arts
- Ceramics
- Photography
- Stained Glass
- Sign-language
- And more…
We are also looking for a few general Counselors.
Nurses & Physicians: Contact camp directly if you’d like to discuss specifics and logistics of being part of our camp medical team.
We are sometimes looking for support positions in the categories of:
- Administration
- IT
- Maintenance
- Driving
- Landscaping
- Kitchen
- Housekeeping
- Gardening